Interpreting in Juvenile Court (Language Neutral)

10am to 1pm PT, Oct. 19, 2024

The National Center for Interpretation is pleased to announce a new webinar designed for all interpreters!

CEUs available for AZ, CA, CO, FL, KY, OK, OR, PA, and TN--more pending! 

This webinar provides a detailed view of the juvenile court proceedings which interpreters encounter in their work, both in the areas of juvenile delinquency and dependency. Both legal and linguistic considerations will be presented. In the area of juvenile delinquency, interpreters will learn about:

  • Which offenses are common in these cases
  • The constitutional rights of minors
  • The initial proceedings and consequences when a minor encounters law enforcement
  • The decision-making process for charging a minor in juvenile court
  • The placement of minors prior to and during a proceeding in juvenile court
  • The progression of a case in juvenile court
  • The possible dispositions of a case in juvenile court

In the area of dependency, interpreters will learn:

  • What triggers a dependency case
  • The initial investigations and home assessment by a social worker
  • The placement of minors during a dependency case
  • The progression of a dependency case in and out of court
  • The possible outcomes in a dependency case

The specialized vocabulary used in juvenile delinquency and dependency cases will be presented in detail. There also will be an opportunity to sight translate from English into your target language a Terms and Conditions document imposed on a minor in a delinquency case, as well as a court-ordered mental health assessment document in a dependency case.

Instructor:  Carmen Patel, JD, is a practicing judicial interpreter.  She holds California court and federal court certifications.